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In His Hands

 It's rather insane how much has happened in the past three weeks. The difference between last semester and this semester has been much more drastic than any of us expected. Besides being on the same campus, everything feels different now. I will do my best to explain. The first change, and perhaps the most shocking news we've heard all year, is that the U.S.-based non-profit, which was founded for the sole purpose of supporting Familia Feliz, will be separating from Familia Feliz and discontinuing its support. The implications of this are rather large. First, I am going to attempt to explain in a nutshell how Familia Feliz got to the point it is currently at. When Melissa founded Familia Feliz 20 years ago, her dream was to start an orphanage. Because of the lengthy process of making an orphanage legal, she decided to start a "school" instead, because the legalities weren't nearly as complex. Her goal, though, was to eventually make Familia Feliz an official orph...

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