Trusting in the Trials
Welcome back, everyone!
Trusting Amidst the Difficulties
Wednesday was one of the best days I've had here. I didn't wake up that morning expecting it to be as good as it was, but God knew I needed encouragement that day. In the morning, I was able to do a little birding with Leonardo, one of the Guerreros, and it was so much fun. Obviously, I love all of my boys, but I don't get to see the kids from the other houses very often, so it's always a treat when I have the opportunity to interact with them. Then, later in the afternoon, I helped some of our older boys process the fresh vegetables we had received that day for freezing. I got to sit there and hang out with them for a good hour and a half while we diced carrots and chopped green beans. Once I finished that, I decided to go see what the other boys were up to. They were playing in the yard, so I decided to go lie down on the grass next to them, and almost instantly, they started climbing all over me. Again, I had the opportunity to just spend quality time with my kids, and it made me so happy and so content. All the kids had gone to bed that night except two boys who needed to finish the dishes. I noticed that the pile of dishes was rather large, so I decided to give them a hand. There wasn't much talking, but again, I was able to show them that I cared about them and that I was more than just an authority figure who bossed them around all day. Wednesday gave me a renewed sense of purpose here at Familia Feliz. I'm here to form meaningful relationships with my boys, relationships that God can use to draw them to Him.
Thursday and Friday were also good, but Sabbath hit me like a truck. The Familia Feliz Pathfinder club is very active, so on Sabbath afternoon, they traveled to another town an hour away for an event with other Pathfinder clubs. They left at 2:15 p.m. and didn't get back until 8:30 p.m. Justin, my fellow house parent, was asked to go with the Pathfinders to take pictures, and T. Juan and T. Emi are the Pathfinder directors, so it was just Laney and I at the house for six hours with twelve of our thirteen boys because all but one are too young for Pathfinders. I could go into detail about all the naughty things the kids did during those six hours, but I'll just say it was the most mentally taxing six hours of my life. All afternoon, the kids were bent on doing things they shouldn't, or at least that's what it felt like. Laney and I ran into problem after problem with almost all of the boys that day. With God's help, though, we managed to get through the day. I had so many questions and so many thoughts running through my head that night. "Am I failing at my role of parenting these kids? I feel like I'm letting down T. Juan and T. Emi. Why did the kids have absolutely no respect for me today? Did I handle each situation properly? How do I even begin to fix this problem?" I couldn't answer any of these questions, so after everyone else had gone to bed that night, I took my little chair outside, sat in the darkness under the stars, and talked with God. I didn't go out there to yell at God or spew my questions at Him. I wasn't angry. I was exhausted. I needed reassurance that God was with me that Sabbath and that He would continue to walk by my side in the coming days and months. What peace He blessed me with that night! I went to bed reassured that God has everything under control and that I can trust Him in every type of situation, good or bad. What an amazing God we serve! Looking back on these last five weeks, I can see even more clearly how merciful and gracious God has been with me. It's like He has been slowly increasing the intensity of life here, so I have a chance to acclimate. If I had experienced what I did on Sabbath four weeks ago, I would have become so discouraged. I am so glad God is in control and not me. In hindsight, I am just as thankful for the hard times as the good. God allows the difficult days for a reason. It's my job to trust that God is doing what is best for me and my boys. God will take care of the rest. So what have I taken away from that experience on Sabbath? Going forward, I am going to approach the difficult times as learning opportunities instead of obstacles to avoid. I found the perfect verse to illustrate this.
“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” James 1:2-4
God, in His mercy, gave me sunshine after the "storm" on Sabbath. Sunday and Monday, while they had their challenges, were wonderful days. We took our kids to the little store close to Familia Feliz, I made biscuits and gravy for Sunday's supper, and I got to spend some time at the other houses getting to know the other kids a little better. On Monday evening, I remember being filled to overflowing with happiness that I have the privilege to be here at Familia Feliz making a difference in these kids' lives. I know the trials will continue, and they might even worsen, but I'm not afraid of them. God has taught me this week that He is with me even in the midst of the storm.
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I laid out in the yard because I was tired of standing, and the boys decided to join me. |
Nirza being so cool! |
I got to know Caleb a little bit. He is one of the Harding kids, so I don't get to see him very often, but he is adorable. |
T. Juan burning an ant trail |
How is Selim always so photogenic? (Photo courtesy: Justin Bobo) |
Another reason I don't drink from the spigots lol. |
Emir demolishing his biscuits and gravy |
I finally got to experience Bolivian pizza! I heard horror stories about the weird toppings they put on their pizzas here, but except for the boiled eggs on top, all the toppings were standard. It might be the best food I've eaten here so far. It was that good! |
The Guerreros are trying to start their own garden. |
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Some of the little Guerreros picking up trash |
Jeremias can be lots of trouble, but he makes me laugh too. |
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Next to the pool, there was a covered sitting area with the best view I have seen so far in South America. |
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There was still some smoke in the area from wildfires, so we could have had a clearer view of the mountains, but the haze was kind of cool at the same time. |
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Before coming here, I thought we wouldn't be near any mountains. Thankfully, I was so wrong! (Photo courtesy: Jayden Cushing) |
These people are what make my days off so awesome. (Photo courtesy: Jayden Cushing) |
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Does it get any better than this? |
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"He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake." Psalms 23:2-3 |
You are looking like an entire rugged man out there, like a father of 13 or something. Best pictures yet, and really solid read as well. The kids will always be challenging but God will always be there for you.