Alright, so here's the deal.
On our day off today, we decided to embark on a full day pampas tour. The reason we did it today is because Jayden's parents arrived yesterday to visit, and this is the only day off we had with them. Because of that, I have not had time to write a normal blog this week. Instead, I am going to do a photo dump of this last week and today. Enjoy!
On Friday night, during our SM get-together, Santi wouldn't sleep, so he hung out with us.
He wanted to sit with me! Those 45 minutes with Santi were the best 45 minutes of the week. |
Santi posing for me. |
I came home after my last day off to find all the kids with extremely short haircuts. I guess that's just what they do here. |
The kids playing during a beautiful afternoon. |
It seems every other day now, I find myself with a sleeping child. It never gets old! |
Out like a light. |
Selim is always up for a photo. |
As I mentioned earlier, Jayden's parents came on Monday, and they brought with them a bunch of stuff for me from back home. It was like a little mini Christmas!
Here begins the photos from our pampas tour. We saw and did some crazy things! |
Capybara, the world's largest rodent. (Do you see the black corners in the photo? That's because I took this photo with my phone through my binoculars. It works surprisingly well.) |
More capybara. We probably saw over 100 capybara throughout the course of the day. |
The road we drove on was virtually empty because of the gas shortage. |
A caiman. I thought that was cool, but it got a lot better. |
A baby capybara. |
I saw my first owl in Bolivia! It was huge and beautiful and awesome! |
We saw monkeys too! They were adorable. |
A hoatzin. The guide told us it is a bird of paradise. |
Our breakfast spread. Lots of carbs, but it tasted great! |
Jayden and I realized we were the same person. |
A boardwalk. |
These birds are called neotropic cormorants.
His name is Jesús. Our guide knows him very well. He's an old, monstrous crocodile. That is the closest I have ever been to a wild crocodile, and it was awesome! |
Us swimming in the river just a couple hundred feet from where we last saw Jesús the crocodile. |
We went way out in the river. About 100 feet away, we could see five caiman heads in the water and several bigger caiman sun bathing on the shore. The reason we went out so far is because we were trying to get a better look at the river dolphin. Sadly, it didn't come close enough for us to touch it or get a great look at it, but it would surface every once in a while just enough for us to see the top of its head. What we did sounds kind of dangerous with the caiman and crocodiles, but it wasn't really that bad. It was so hot outside that the caiman and crocodiles were basically lethargic. But I can now say I have swam with caiman, a massive crocodile, and a river dolphin. It was definitely an experience I will never forget. |
The boat ride was great. There were dozens of caiman in the water or on the shore. |
Some beautiful fluffy clouds. |
A blue-crowned trogon. Spectacular! |
I've never seen anything like this tree before.
A capybara, great egret, and three crested caracaras in one picture. That's pretty cool! |
Maybe the highlight of the day. I finally saw a toco toucan, and I got a great picture of it! I was ecstatic. |
Can you spot it? They were adorable! |
We spent a lot of time in that car, but it was so worth it!
Chilling in the boat. |
 More caiman. |
 | A sleeping crocodile. |
We ate at Luz de Mar for supper, and every one of us got their falafel. It always hits the spot! |
A Bolivian sunset. |
What a crazy experience! I was sorta thinking we'd get like a crazy Nyla and the White Crocodile type situation, but it's still exciting anyways. That's definitely one of those things you can say at any occasion and everyone will love it. Seems like such beautiful wildlife in the area.